Glossary of Truss and Trade Show Terms Page 3 – Retail Display and Lighting Truss

Commonly used Terms and Definitions for Exhibit Truss Displays and Trade Show Booths
Browse the pages below for information for any term or definition you need regarding aluminum truss systems, trade show booths, retail kiosks, and Finish Line Kits. If you can’t find what you are looking for, don’t hesitate to Contact Us or check out our truss Youtube Channel.
Page 1 – Trade Show Exhibit Booths | Page 2 – Truss Start Line Archway Systems | Page 3 – Retail Display and Lighting Truss | Page 4 – Exhibit Truss Banner Stands
- A profile of aluminum truss that consists of 2 Chords (Larger Outer Tubes), with welded webbing in-between. Ladder Truss is also often called Flat Truss, because of its flat profile and easy packing capabilities.
- A Display truss system using 2 Chord, 3 Chord, or 4 Chord Display truss with interchangeable standard components that allows for easy expansion and reduction of the original display booth footprint.
- A quick clip is a fastener used to attach 2 pieces of aluminum truss together. It is a tool-less connection that snaps into place with a standard insert. Compatible with 10″ wide and 12″ wide aluminum truss.
- Truss collars are used to strengthen mating pieces of truss in large aluminum truss systems. Reinforcing truss collars are welded to the end of truss tubes.
- A trade show is a sponsored event by focused associations for specific industries. A trade show typically takes place in convention centers and convention halls. The different companies rent space designated in square footage. Typical sizes are 10’x10 Aluminum Truss Systems, 10’x20′ Trade Show Displays, and 20’x20′ Trade Show Displays. Companies rent the space to display their products in the form of a TSB “Trade Show Booth” or a TSE “Trade Show Exhibit”.
- Triangular truss consists of 3 chords (larger truss tubes), equally spaced apart, with webbing in between, welded onto the 3 chords. Triangular truss provides more strength for longer spans than Ladder Truss.
- A truss archway, like a truss entranceway, consists of 2 upright posts, with one cross member connecting the two. Hang lights, banners, and truss accessories on a truss archway.
- A truss base plate is used to hold up a truss display that is freestanding. We offer in-stock, as well as oversize and custom base plates to suit your needs.
- A truss entranceway is a truss entrance used typically for crowd control and direction to guide patrons in the right direction. Signage and Banners can also be hung on a truss entranceway.
- A truss extender is a type of clamp that is used to connect different types of aluminum truss together. One end of the truss extender is connected in the chord of a piece of truss, and then from here a clamp extends to solve difficult connection problems and different cross sections. For example when connecting ladder truss to triangular truss.
- A truss finish line is used as an archway at the end of a race event or marathon. Truss finish lines can be used to hang sponsorship banners. They are lightweight and easy to transport to any race event site.
- A truss junction is used to join pieces of truss together at many different angles, a 90° corner junction being the most popular. Truss junctions are available in 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 way configurations, at many angles, and can be custom fabricated to a desired angle.
- Truss webbing are the smaller lengths of aluminum tube used to connect the larger tubes (chords) on a length of aluminum truss. The webs are welded at an angle suited to the profile size of the truss, and provides the strength through triangulation.
- Display Booths are most commonly trade show displays used to showcase company products and materials to help with exposure and promotion. Display booths usually house product displays, banners and signage, LCD and LED TVs, and tabletop displays.
- Lighting truss is aluminum truss (2 chord ladder, 3 chord triangle, and 4 chord box) used to hold lighting or clamp lighting onto in the illumination industry.
- Finish Lines offer a great opportunity for sponsorship banners and advertising space. Click here to learn how to maximize your banner display and advertising on your Finish Line Banner Structure.
- Banner Stands come in a variety of forms. We sell aluminum truss banner stands that are free standing and can be used on their own, or incorporated into an existing trade show display. Our banner stands flat pack, are lightweight, and easy to transport. Don’t settle for retractable banner stands that are flimsy and will not last.
- Display truss refers to aluminum truss used to create trade show displays, product displays and product displays.
- Exhibit systems are modular displays made from aluminum truss components. They come in standard sizes (10×10, 10×20, 20×20) and we can also custom create any size and shape. Used to display products.
- Truss kits are modular truss displays that are lightweight and easy to transport if made from aluminum truss. We have a large library of standard truss kits. We can also custom fabricate any size and shape.