Truss Cord
Truss Cord
What is truss? Aluminum Truss is fabricated with outer chords (larger tube) and with webbing in between. The Webs provide triangulation for load bearing support. The inherent rigidity of triangles allows structures to made using the inherent properties of a triangle without having to rely on the rigidity of connections. As seen below, the rigidity of a square is absent. Unless a diagonal brace is added, making two separate triangles, only then does it become rigid.

A truss cord is the outer, and larger, tubes that make up a truss profile (4 Chord Box, 3 Chord Triangle, 2 Chord Ladder). A truss cord is the larger, main longitudinal tube on a length of aluminum truss. Truss cords are held together with webs (the smaller tubes) that are welded to each truss cord. The webs provide triangulation to a length of truss, and therefore strength, making aluminum truss the perfect material for building lightweight structures that are easy to transport, and very durable.