Clamps and Mounting Hardware for Aluminum Truss Exhibition Exhibits and Display Booth SystemsAluminum Truss for Trade Show Display Booths and Convention Hall Exhibits 1″ Tube Connection Insert / Connecting Truss Together
Assemble Aluminum Truss with the 1″ Tube Connection Insert
1″ tube connection insert for aluminum truss. This expansion style 1″ tube connection insert system fits all 1″ aluminum tube (6 inch wide and 9 Inch wide aluminum truss parts use 1″ tube, or chord, diameter). All insert spigots are made with 6061-T6 (SS) Aluminum. The 1″ tube connection insert system is very easy to assemble with 4mm Allen key and provides strength and durability. The 1″ tube insert system provides a completely unobtrusive connection method, with no protruding bolts. This results in a clean and aesthetically pleasing exhibit display booth. Trade Show Truss booths using 6″ Wide aluminum truss are perfect for smaller booth sizes and for a portable retail displays. Please note that all of our parts come standard with all connection inserts and hardware.

Assemble Truss Trade Show System Quick and Easy
Assembly instructions for 1″ tube connection inserts. All of our aluminum trade show truss is designed for ease of assembly. Easily setup and take apart and transport your truss systems.
1″ tube Connection Insert System. Exhibit and Display Truss offers a wide variety of truss parts. If a part cant be found or if you have a unique project that requires custom parts and fixes, we have the ability to build custom parts and booths. 1″ tube connection inserts come standard with each truss part, allowing for a quick and easy assembly.
Truss components are constructed of square, triangular or flat pieces. Exhibit and Display Truss offers three different truss profiles, 10 inch, 12 inch and 6 inch display trusses. All of our truss structures are designed for ease of assembly and available in a number of designs and sizes. Our truss systems are constructed of durable, high-strength aluminum and steel for supporting LCD or plasma screen mounts, banner frames and sign frames, lighting displays and other marketing accessories and advertising. 1″ chord truss is fantastic for retail environment displays and exhibits that do not need the mass or strength of the larger trusses.