Truss Kits for Trade Show Exhibits and Display Booths. Portable Exhibitor Display KiosksFinish Line Systems | Starting Line Systems. Archway and Entrance way Gantry Truss Structures FL-14 Finish Line and Starting Line Kit / Event Start Line with Sponsorship Banner Opportunities
FL-14 Event Start Line and Finish Line for Maximizing Advertising Revenue
The FL-14 Aluminum Truss Start Line for Racing Events is made from aluminum truss and is lightweight and durable. This Event Start Line provides plenty of openings and spaces to put not only your own company banners, but also sponsorship banners to help your maximize your advertising revenue. This racing event startline is perfect for just about any sporting event and because of its lightweight, can be transported easily to any site. Finish Line accessories can also be attached to this finish line structure, such as timing clocks and banner support arms. Don’t settle for inflatable banner structures that are flimsy and will not stand the test of time. If you require a custom dimension, don’t hesitate to ask.
Click Here to see how to Maximize your Sponsorship Banner Display on Finish Line Banner Structure.

Approximate Kit Weight = 840 lbs
- 8 x EDT12-BP4 (Box Base Plate))
- 4 x EDT12-B3 (3'-0" Box Truss)
- 8 x EDT12-B5 (5'-0" Box Truss)
- 2 x EDT12-B7 (7'-0" Box Truss)
- 2 x EDT12-B8 (8'-0" Box Truss)
- 2 x EDT12-B10 (10'-0" Box Truss)
- 2 x EDT12-B2W90 (2 Way 90° Junction)
- 8 x EDT12-B3W90 (3 Way 90° Junction)
- 2 x EDT12-B3WT (3 Way 90° "T" Junction)
- 4 x EDT12-B3WT-4' (3 Way 90° "T" Junction - 4 ft)
- 8 x EDT12-EHC1 (Extender Hook Clamp)
- FL-10 Finish Line and Starting Line Kit / Large Banner Frame Finish Line for All Racing Events
- FL-10a Finish Line and Starting Line Kit / Smaller Version of the FL-10 Finish Line Structure
- FL-12 Finish Line and Starting Line Kit / The Best Banner or Sign Covered Finish Line
- FL-11 Finish Line and Starting Line Kit / Best Selling Gantry Style Racing Structure
The Best Finish Lines and Start Lines for Your Race Lines
All of our Aluminum Truss Finish Line Kits and Starting Line kits are lightweight and durable, a convenient product to transport to any race event site. Our durable finish line structures are perfect for hanging finish line accessories and banners, an advantage over inflatable finish lines. All of our truss structures are made from modular aluminum truss components which allows you to continuously reconfigure, modify, and expand your truss system if your needs change in the future. All of our truss structures can also be made from box, triangular, and ladder versions.
Do no hesitate to Contact Us if you have any questions!