Finish Lines
The Best 5k, 10k, Marathon, and Triathlon Finish LinesĀ
North America’s Best Reviewed Portable Aluminum Truss Race Finish and Starting Line Systems
We are the #1 for finish line customer service. Choose from our stock finish lines or allow us to custom create one for you to suit dimensions or specific design standards.
We offer a wide range of finish line kits, starting line kits, and portable arch ways suitable for any race event. LDS Aluminum Truss is the best choice for designing and constructing 5k racing lines and finish lines because it is durable, lightweight, and easy to transport and set up at any race event site. All of our finish lines and start lines are designed from experience and are field proven. All of our finish line kits have spaces for sponsorship banners and other accessories, such as lighting. Add more promotional material to your finish race line with Banner Support Arms, which allow vertical banners to be added via pipe pockets on the side of any racing structure. Don’t settle for inflatable finish lines that are flimsy and will not last. Our Racing lines use outrigger arms to help stabilize on uneven ground, allowing our kits to be used on a variety of different terrains.
Visit Our Youtube Channel to see a walk around of all of our starting racing lines here.